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Legal Notice

This website is published by

Rue Scailquin 60/189

Trade Register: BE0826160084
Phone Number: +32(0)23467960
Publication director: Pascal Hendrickx

Access to the website


The user of the website www.sophia-group.be acknowledges having the skills and means necessary to access and use this website.


Sophia Group is a registered trade name, the logos are also registered. Any use whatsoever of the trade names and logos of this site is forbidden without the authorization of Sophia Group SRL. All hypertext links aimed at this site are also subject to prior authorization.

Website content

Sophia Group provides users of the website www.sophia-group.be with information and tools available and verified. Sophia Group and the service providers thereof shall not be held liable for any items beyond their control or any damage that may be suffered by users or their technical environment, particularly their computers, software, equipment, networks and any hardware used to access or use the website.


“cookie” is an element of data which a service or site, when visited by a user, sends to that user’s browser which, in turn, may store that element on the user’s hard drive or memory.

Sophia Group uses cookies to better serve users who use our services. Any user may block or delete our cookies from his or her hard drive. However, by disabling cookies, certain site features and functionality may no longer work properly, or at all.

Hypertext links

Sophia Group cannot be held liable for any third-party site to which you may have gained access via the www.sophia-group.be site as we have no way of controlling the content of these third-party sites which remain totally independent of Sophia Group.

Data protection

Users may communicate personal information to Sophia Group. Such information is deemed confidential and treated as such. Such information will be retained for no more than one year or, where applicable, for the duration of processing the job offers mentioned in the “Job Opportunities” section.

Pursuant to the Belgian law on data privacy, users who communicate personal data are entitled to access, correct or delete such data, free of charge, by sending an e-mail to: p.hendrickx@sophia-group.be. Users of the website www.sophia-group.be can also assert their rights by post at: SOPHIA Group – Rue Scailquin 60/189 – B-1210 BRUSSELS

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